Thursday, February 28, 2019

Where Do We Go From Here?

So here's the question of the day for me now that I've decided to start blogging again. Where do we go from here?

Of course it wouldn't be long before I got a Buffy reference in here.

Because I'll admit, I started doing this again with that post on Monday without any sort of plan other than getting that first post out there. So what to do next? A large focus of my blog in the past was as a reviewer. I reviewed every book I read. I spotlighted comics I really enjoyed, comic pages that really struck me. I passed judgment on every new TV show I watched each fall season and commented on whether they were worth sticking with (if I still did that, boy would I have some harsh words for you, Manifest and New Amsterdam...). I did the whole movie reviewer thing as well. Do I want to pick up with all that again?

I suppose the real question, the real essence of "where do we go from here" is really "what kind of writer do I want to be?"

Do I want to go back to being a reviewer? Lord knows I love letting the world know when something sucks almost as much as I love shouting from the rooftops the praise of everything I come across that I absolutely love (Black Panther, A Star is Born, and Anna and the Apocalypse were the three best movies of 2018, by the way. Fight me.) I might want to go back to that, but maybe not hold myself to it as stringently as I used to. I don't have to review every book I read, every show I watch, etc... I can stick to just the ones that inspire something in me enough to write about them. And I might want to get back into the movie reviewing thing; I enjoyed it when I was doing it for Film-Arcade before so it might be worth finding a way to take another stab at it, see if it leads so something that pays. I'm open to any leads on something like this, by the way. Just throwing that out there.

Or do I want to be less of a reviewer and more of a creator this time around. I need to write more. More fiction, especially. I have so many ideas and have wasted so much time. I could go back to my Biggs and Wedge series, as much as it's in need of serious retooling. Or I could revisit the dark Arthurian saga I started a few years ago. Or finally get started on the almost Lovecraftian idea I've had kicking around in my head for awhile now. Any sugesstions or preferences? I just need to find more time to write, and more time to read, as reading is the ingredient that fuels the motor of writing. And clearly I need to read a lot more, because that was a terrible analogy.

I could be more of a real life blogger, as well... just muse about my life, rant and rave about what's going on in the world, my experiences and opinions... and probably alienate 90% of the people I know! Especially if I start talking about work...

Or, the more likely option, all of the above. Like I said, I have no plan, which isn't easy for someone like me. I like plans and routines and agendas and all the other words you can think of. Seat of the pants is not my style. I'm clearly open to ideas (and collaborations, even). I'm just starting to reopen the gates of my creativity, so to speak, I guess I'll just sit and wait to see what pours out.


  1. I miss your fiction...I read a really interesting article about self sabotage--just when something goes right, instead of becoming motivation to keep pushing and use the momentum, success actually becomes an inhibitor. It's stupid and it sucks. I've been working on a vlog/booktuber Youtube channel idea. Liam has all of the video gear and could help me learn to edit, but it's something I'm thinking about. Maybe we should talk about what a long distance collaboration might look like?

    1. I'm all for it... The Man in the Striped Pajamas 2: Pajama Bugaloo!
