Wednesday, March 6, 2019

2019 Movies!

So here's a post I used to do every year, traditionally at the start of the year but whatever, March is fine, where I list the ten movies I'm most excited about for the coming year. Obviously its missing January and February, but I checked, we didn't really miss much so far. Trust me. And Captain Marvel is off the list because it literally comes out tomorrow. Oh, and the list isn't in, like order of excitement or whatever, it's in release date order. So, without further jibberjab, here's the list!

Us - The "new nightmare from the mind of Jordan Peele" has already infected my brain. Seriously. I've had two nightmares inspired by this movie already and I haven't even seen it yet! I blame it on the imagery in the trailer and more so the super-effective editing job they did on "I Got Five on It" to turn it into a haunting nightmare siren. This hopefully horrifying flick frops in just two weeks, March 22nd. 

Avengers: Endgame - Big ol barrel of duh. April 26th.

Brightburn - Basically a superhero horror movie that asks the question, "What if Superman was an evil kid?" Produced by James Gunn, written by two of his brothers, and directed by David Yarovesky who's... directed some video games, or something. It looks fun, though. May 24th.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters - Godzilla vs. Mothra vs. Rodan vs. King Ghidorah in a sequel to the 2014 Godzilla starring Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch, and also a prequel to the upcoming Godzilla Vs. Kong. So does that make this Godzilla's Empire Strikes Back? I guess we'll find out on May 31st. Side note: It's directed by Michael Dougherty, who directed one of my favorite movies of all time, Trick'R'Treat, as well as the underrated Christmas horror movie Krampus. Should be a blast.

Yesterday - Going by the trailer alone, where a dude hits his head or something and wakes up in a world where the Beatles never existed but he remembers all their songs and becomes famous for "writing" them, this is right up my Beatles-loving alley. It co-stars my girl Lily James, features Ed Sheeran, and is directed by Danny Friggin' Boyle, and comes out June 28th.

Spider-Man: Far From Home - Yeah, this July 5th (who are we kidding, July 3rd) sequel is another huge steaming pile of duh.

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark - Guillermo Del Toro, who loves monsters more than I love peanut butter cups, is adapting that book series that terrified every child that read it. Of course this is on my list. August 9th.

It: Chapter 2 - Yeah, like I'm going to miss this? Chapter One was fantastic, and this one has put together one hell of a cast. We'll see how the story ends on Sept. 6th, although personally I'd love if they held this one out until Halloween. Always nice to have a good scary movie to go see in October.

The Art of Racing in the Rain - When Marisa and I first started dating, we diced to each give te other a book to read, a book we really loved and that we thought would show the other a lot about our personalities. I gave Marisa "N0S4A2," a book by Stephen King's son Joe Hill, one of th emodern masters of horror who has fast become one of my favorite writers (Editor's note: "N0S4A2" is premiering as a TV series later this year on AMC. I'm not saying you should watch, but...). Marisa gave me Gareth Stein's "The Art of Racing in the Rain," a book which is told through the point of view of loyal wonderful pup Enzo as his owner... I hate that word in this context, but it ain't like master is much better... struggles with a lot of heartbreak in his personal life. I can't lie, I sobbed my way through most of the book, and will probably do so through most of the movie, which stars Milo Ventmiglia, who' sbeen making me sob for three years now in This is Us, Amanda Seyfried, and, in a surprising choice, Kevin Costner as the voice of Enzo, the goodest of good pups. I can't wait. Sept. 27th.

Star Wars: Episode IX - Lastly, the biggest, most heaping heap of duh possible. I'm on the side of SW fans who have enjoyed what Disney has done with the franchise since taking over, especially the directions it's taking the main series in. Sure, I'd love to have seen more of Luke being a badass Jedi Master like he is in the EU books, but, we live in a world where Mark Hamill is old, so there we are. Star Wars is, pretty clearly, one of the bigger loves of my life, and I'm all set for what is, by all accounts, the end of the Skywalker Saga, but not the end of that galaxy far, far away...

So there you have my list. There are a few I'm looking forward to that couldn't crack the top ten, Pet Sematary, for example, but this is pretty much it. Anybody as excited for any of these as I am, or think I left something off? Let me know!

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