Monday, October 26, 2020

31 Days of Halloween: Week 3 Recap

Time to recap the third week of the Halloween horror marathon my wife and I have been doing, so let's dive right in!

This week's update starts off with Day 17, where we watched the "classic" horror flick Leprechaun, starring a pre-Friends, pre-nose job Jennifer Aniston. I've always thought this while series was ludicrous but fun in some spots, including this one. Marisa thought this was silly and predictable, but fun for what it is.

For Day 18 the plan was to binge Helstrom, the new Marvel horror show on Hulu. We made it through two episodes before I couldn't take anymore and had to stop. Not because it was scaring me or anything, but because it was just so fucking dull. Marisa was enjoying it though and thinks it's more interesting than I do, so we'll finish it off at some point. It was basically cancelled before it ever aired so there will only ever be these ten episodes and I've watched every other Marvel show, regardless of quality, so why stop now. 

Day 19 brought us to I've of the big guns, A Nightmare on Elm Street. It's of course I've of my favorite classic horror movies. I was hoping this would be one of the ones that Marisa would actually enjoy, while also hoping it would scare her at least a bit. This one freaked Marisa out, so mission accomplished!

We went back to the Blumhouse on Amazon Prime for Day 20 and watched the third of their four new movies, Evil Eye. Much like the first two we watched, this wasn't scary, but I liked it best of the three so far, it had a more interesting plot, better acting, and actually wasn't boring. I think this is the first of this anthology that I liked more than my wife did; she liked that it focused on another culture and was interested in that aspect but that's about it.

I made an unscheduled change on Day 21. We were going to watch Rebecca, a new release on Netflix, but it's apparently not a horror at all and is also getting terrible reviews, so I subbed in the last of the alternates I had waiting, The Autopsy of Jane Doe, which I had never seen before. This was easily one of the best movies we've watched so far, and one of the creepiest. Great acting, great plot, fun effects, and a suitably chilling ending. Marisa found this one informative and educational, which I'm not sure was the point, but she liked that it was basically House with a demon corpse instead of a patient.

Day 22 was a movie called Malevolent, which was a pretty dull disappointment, honestly. I think I fell asleep at one point. The ending was pretty twisted, which was fun, but other than that it was a dud. This is another one Marisa liked more than me and liked the twist, which she did not see coming.

Lastly, Day 23 was the 2011 remake of Fright Night. I threw this on the list not because it's scary but because it's fun and I knew my wife would love the cast, especially David Tennant. As expected, she loved this one.

I'm not sure enough fear is being generated here so far, honestly. Hopefully this last run of movies will change that; we're starting off the final week with remakes of both The Amityville Horror and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, ending up in Halloween day with The Exorcist. Yeah, there should be some scares coming up!

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