Thursday, November 13, 2014

Goodreads Book Review - Changes

Changes (The Dresden Files, #12)Changes by Jim Butcher

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As a writer, there are plenty of times when I come up with a story idea and there's a particular scene (or whole story, if it's a series) that I really want to tell, and the idea of all the stuff I'll have to write before I earn that moment, scene, or whole book just kills me. With that in mind, I have to wonder if finally getting to this book in the Dresden Files was like that for Mr. Butcher, because this book is clearly the culmination of so much of what he's done. I mention all this as a review because there's no way to actually talk about anything that happens because of spoilers. What I will say is the story is full of drama and action. It brought tears to my eyes at one point. I read the last 160 or so pages in one sitting because I just couldn't put it down. And I'm so upset right now that I don't already own the next book, because I'm chomping at the bit to see where it goes from here. Such an amazing book. It's worth reading the other eleven installments just to get to this masterpiece.

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